Why can’t I find a user after adding them?

If a newly added user does not appear when searching, it is likely, that they have not been assigned to a group with a specific type. Edunation primarily searches for users based on their assigned groups, making it essential to ensure proper group assignment.

How can I find users who are not assigned to a group?


To locate users who are not assigned to a group, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the "Users" Page

    • Navigate to Management > Users from the left-hand menu.
  2. Open the Filter Panel

    • Click the Filter button at the top-right corner of the screen.
  3. Apply the "Assigned to Group" Filter

    • Locate the filter "Assigned to the group?"
    • Select "No" to display only users who are not assigned to any group.
  4. Click "Apply"

    • This will generate a list of users who have been added to the system but are not yet assigned to a group.

How do I assign a user to a group?

Once you locate the unassigned user, follow these steps to assign them to a group:

  1. Select the user from the list.
  2. Click the "Add to Group" option.
  3. Choose the appropriate group type and user type.
  4. Save the changes.

Will users without a group assignment have restricted access?

Yes, users without a group assignment may have limited access to certain features, reports, or functionalities. Assigning them to a group ensures they can fully participate in the system according to their role.


  • If a user does not appear in search, check their group assignment.
  • Use the "Assigned to group: No" filter to find unassigned users.
  • Assign users to groups to ensure they have the correct permissions and access.