New reports

  • Teachers Activity Report: using this report you will be able to see the activity summary for all teachers within your groups. For each teacher in a given date range you will see the following: last login date, how many logins, number of courses, number of weekly lessons, how many grades the teacher inserted, unreported lessons, assignments given, exams appointed, announcements published, files sent, videos uploaded, positive notes, negative notes and messages sent.
  • This report can be filtered by academic year, date range, group level, and class name. In addition, the report can be printed and exported to excel.
  • Parents Activity Report: See how many parents logged-in within a given date range, last login date for each parent and number of messages sent by the parent. This report can be filtered by academic year, date range, group level and class name. In addition, the report can be printed and exported to excel.
  • Comparison Reports: 4 new reports have been added to help you bridge the gaps between your students, your staff and your different classes. From now on, you will be able to compare the performance of your students, teachers, groups and groups’ levels.

Validation reports

  • Courses Validation: This report shows a list of courses for each class/grouping along with a number of students and parents to make sure you didn't miss adding any course to any group.
  • Grades Validation: This report shows you the number of added grade groups for each course to make sure you didn't miss adding any grade to any course.
  • Teacher Timetable: Shows weekly lessons for each teacher and list of courses assigned to him to help you validate the inserted timetable for each teacher.
  • Group Timetable: Shows weekly lessons per subject for each group in the system to help you validate the timetable per group.

These reports can be filtered by academic year, group level, semester, group name, subjects, grade types, and teachers. Besides, the reports can be printed and exported to excel.