When creating a new report card, you can set its status to determine who can access it. Follow these steps:
Initiate Report Card Creation:
- Navigate to Reports & Analytics in the left sidebar.
- Select Report Cards.
- Click the + sign to create a new report card.
Fill in Report Details:
- Enter the Title, Class, Year, Semester, and other relevant information.
Set the Status:
- Choose the Status field.
- Choose one of the following options:
- Private: Only the creator can view the report.
- Permission Owners: Users with assigned permissions can access the report.
- Published: The report is available to all intended recipients, such as students and parents.
Save the Report Card:
- After configuring the status and other details, click Save to create the report card with the specified status.
- After configuring the status and other details, click Save to create the report card with the specified status.