This article explains how school administrators can efficiently identify teachers with missing grades or assessments using the Teachers Without Grades report in Edunation. Follow the step-by-step instructions below to access the report, apply filters, and manage the results effectively.
Step 1: Access the "Teachers Without Grades" Report
- You can log in to your Edunation account with administrative privileges.
- From the left-hand navigation menu, go to:
Grade Reports > Teachers Without Grades. - Select the desired academic year from the dropdown menu (e.g., 2023/2024).
Step 2: Apply Filters to Narrow the Results
To find specific missing grades:
Use the Group filter to select the relevant grade level or group (e.g., Grade 6).
Apply additional filters, such as:
- Subject: Select subjects like English, Math, or Science.
- Grade Types: Choose the term or grade type (e.g., Term 1).
- Teacher: Filter results by a specific teacher.
- Report Card Grades: Filter teachers with missing grades based on whether they have report card assessments.
Click Filter to apply the selected criteria.
Step 3: Review the Report Results
- Once filters are applied, the report will display a list of teachers with missing grades.
- The table will include the following key information:
- Teacher Name
- Course and Subject
- Group
- Number of Missing Assessments:
This column represents the number of empty (Assessments) grade groups for the selected grade type. - Missing assessments for report cards
This column represents the number of empty (Assessments) grade groups for the selected grade type that are used when generating the report cards. - Total missing assessment for teacher
This column represents the total number of empty (Assessments) grade groups for the selected grade type for the selected teacher. - Types of missing assessments
This column represents the types of missing assessments.
- Use this information to follow up with teachers and ensure that missing grades are submitted promptly.
Important: Regularly check the Teachers Without Grades report to ensure all assessments are submitted before generating report cards.
Bulk Actions: Apply filters efficiently to target specific terms, subjects, or teachers for quick follow-up.